How To Unfreeze Venmo Account – Step-by-Step Guide

Since it arrived in 2009, Venmo has experienced massive growth and is now one of the world’s most used mobile transaction services. The Venmo application allows you to carry out local transactions making it easy to transfer money to family, friends, and business associates in the United States.

Just like all other outstanding mobile transaction services, you can encounter some difficulties when trying to make use of your Venmo account. One of the most unwanted and frustrating difficulties you can face is your account getting frozen. 


While such a scenario can be annoying, you have to understand that it is a step that was taken to ensure that the highest security level is provided to keep your account safe and secure. You might also be requested to provide certain documents if it is noticed that there has been an action against credit card policies or user agreements.


In this article, we will be providing the needed information on why your Venmo account has been frozen and the necessary steps to be taken to unfreeze your account for you to continue to make smooth mobile transactions on your Venmo application. 


What Are The Reasons Venmo Accounts Get Freeze?


What Are The Reasons Venmo Accounts Get Freeze


It is essential to get to know the reasons behind the freezing of your Venmo account as it will help to understand how you can get to unfreeze it.  Below are the common reasons why your Venmo account might have been frozen. 


  • Suspicious Activity

Finance management has never been an easy task, to protect both the company and its customers, Venmo has provided a straightforward privacy policy. In a situation where the application noticed any form of suspicious activity on your Venmo account, the account will get frozen. 


For security reasons, the constant repetition of inputting the wrong pin, and logging into your account from a different device and location are all regarded as suspicious activity and can lead to your account getting frozen. 


If this is the case, Venmo will be in contact to notify you that your account has been frozen via mail and it is advisable to reach out to the Venmo customer support team as early as you discovered your account has been frozen. 


  • Insufficient Funds


The most common reason why most Venmo customers have their accounts frozen is due to a lack of money in their Venmo accounts. To make sure you have the minimum required amount in your account, Venmo can also reverse some transactions where money was sent to other parties. 


You also have to take note that it is required that your Venmo account got verified before you can begin to make use of it for payment of different services. If you realize you are unable to perform a transaction or your Venmo account has been frozen, you should first check out the account balance of your linked debit or credit card. 


  • Exceeding Your Transfer Limit


There is a limit to the number of transactions that can be performed on your Venmo account per week/month. When you exceed your account transaction limit, your account can get frozen. 

To prevent this from happening, it is important to take note of the number of transactions you perform per week and month. Once your Venmo account got verified, the number of transactions you can perform will be increased.


  • Breaking User Agreement


Venmo will do everything to keep its customers safe and secure which is why it was stated in the user agreement that a breach of agreement on your account will lead to such an account getting frozen 

Breaching of the user agreement is not restricted to transfer and is important to be in touch with the Venmo support team as early as possible if your account was frozen because of a breach in the user agreement. 


  • Other Unknown Problems


In a case where all the above-listed reasons have been checked and you are certain there has been no breach in the user agreement, no suspicious activity has taken place on your account and there is a sufficient amount of money on your Venmo account. There must have been an error from Venmo. 


In this complicated situation, you will be needing the assistance of professionals which might involve you visiting the customer care support team to unfreeze your Venmo account. You can also reach out to Venmo by sending a reply to the notification mail that was sent to you when your account gets frozen. 


Step-by-Step Guide on How To Unfreeze Venmo Account


Step-by-Step Guide on How To Unfreeze Venmo Account


If you’ve been wondering if there is a way to unfreeze your Venmo account, there are different methods that you can make use of to unfreeze your Venmo account. Some of the methods include.


Method 1:Transfer Money from Your Bank  to your Venmo Account


If you noticed your account was frozen because you have exceeded the limit of ACH transfers, you will be required to repay the total amount you were billed when there is an insufficient fund in your account. 

To repay your bill, you will have to make a transfer from your bank account to your account following the steps explained below. 


  • Step1: Make Sure Your Venmo Account Is Verified


Verifying your Venmo account is an essential process as you will not be able to send money to your Venmo account if the account is not verified. however, you can make use of your Venmo account without adding money as you have the alternative of using your card or Venmo funds.


  • Step2: Transfer the Required Amount


Once you are certain your account is verified, you will have to use a web browser to log in and access your Venmo account. After logging in, select the “Add Fund” option on the upper left corner of your phone screen. 


Once this option has been selected, you will be provided with the option to make the required transfer from your bank account to your Venmo account.  It is important to take note that the transfer process might require up to three to five working days to complete the transfer. It might even take a long period if there is a significant holiday happening in midweek.


Once you’ve successfully made the transfer from your bank account to your Venmo account, you can check out the status of your Venmo account if it has been unfrozen. Make sure you follow the necessary procedure during the transfer process to ensure your account gets unfrozen quickly. 


Method 2: Contact the Venmo Customer Support Team


If your account is not unfrozen after taking the above-listed steps, you can unfreeze your account by contacting customer support. You can do this by sending a reply to the notification mail that was sent to you by Venmo. All you have to do is to press the reply icon and type your complaints then send, your message will be delivered to the customer care agents. 


Another option you can use to reach out to the customer care support team is by pressing the Menu icon and clicking on the “ Get Help” option to be redirected to where you will be able to make use of the “Contact Us” option.


Once you click on Contact Us, you will be able to send in your complaints and explanation to customer care.


How Long Until Venmo Unfreeze My Account?


The duration taken before your account gets unfrozen by Venmo will be determined by when action was taken on the account. When you take the proper and required actions, your account should be unfrozen within three to five days. It is important to take the necessary steps early to ensure you can carry out important transactions on your Venmo account. 


How Do I Know If My Venmo Account Is Frozen?


For you to unfreeze and recover your frozen Venmo account, you have to get to know the reasons why it was frozen in the first place and how to be certain your account has been frozen. 

To confirm your Venmo account has been frozen, an official EmaIl will be sent to you to notify you that your account has been frozen. The mail will also contain the reason why this step has been taken. In a case where you did not receive an official mail from Venmo, there are still different ways you can get to know that your account has been frozen. 


The first way to confirm will be your inability to complete a transaction on your mobile app. When you attempt to perform a transaction on a Venmo frozen account, a Venmo account frozen pop-up will appear on the interface. 


A frozen Venmo account will not only restrict you from performing any transaction, but you will also not be able to receive payment as well. The sender will be notified that the transaction cannot be completed at the moment due to some causes.  


How Do I Chat With Venmo Support?


There is a “Chat With Us” option that has been provided by Venmo through which their customers can reach out to the customer support team.  You can make use of this option by clicking on the Menu icon on your mobile app, at the bottom of the Menu page you will be able to access the Get Help option through which you will be able to click on the Contact Us option.


At this phase, there will be a Connect With A Human option which will lead you to the Chat With Us option where you will have the access to a live chat with a customer support agent that will put you through how to unfreeze your Venmo account



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A frozen Venmo account can be frustrating and terrifying as you will be unable to carry out important transactions. There are different ways to unfreeze your frozen account but you will have to know the reason why your account has been frozen. By following this article, you will have all the needed information to go through a frozen Venmo account. 




Venmo Account

Venmo Support