I Forgot My Green Dot Card PIN – How Recover It

Forgetfulness is inevitable; it happens to every last one of us. Likewise, forgetting the PIN to a debit card is a common phenomenon, especially if you have several cards that use different PINs. Since Green Dot gives you a default PIN automatically, it’s even more likely to forget your Green Dot card PIN.

When you forget the PIN linked to your Green Dot account, the best solution will be to change it. If you haven’t changed your PIN from the default one you got when the card was shipped to you, you can check your welcoming material for the PIN.


I Forgot My Green Dot Card PIN


In this article, I’ll show you what to do when you forget your Green Dot card PIN. That way, you won’t have to always go to Google with the “I forgot my Green Dot card PIN” complaint ever again. Without further ado, let’s get started.


What Do You Need to Reset Your Green Dot PIN?


Since Green Dot is an online bank, changing your lost PIN is not much of a complicated process as it is with some other banks in the United States. Having access to your account is enough proof that you own the debit card, giving you enough power to change the PIN.

However, the fact that the process is easier than that of traditional banks doesn’t mean you won’t face any hurdles when resetting your PIN. As you’d expect with any financial company, Green Dot will take steps to secure your account when you try to reset your PIN, even with access to the account.

You’ll need access to the account connected to the debit card to change your Green Dot PIN. The ability to access your account is the least you can do to show that you indeed own the Green Dot account and you should have access to the account to change the PIN.

In addition to account access, you also need to be able to access the email connected to the account to reset your PIN. When you try to apply for a change to the PIN, Green Dot will require you to verify your email, another step that proves that it’s indeed you requesting the change.

Lastly, you should be able to access your debit card to change the PIN. While this is officially listed as one of the requirements for resetting your PIN on Green Dot, I don’t see the point. Why would you ever need to reset the PIN for a card that you can’t even access?


How to Recover Green Dot Card PIN


If you’re on this article, you’ll never have to type “forgot my Green Dot card PIN” on Google each time you can’t remember the PIN associated with your Green Dot PIN. After reading this section to the end, you should be able to recover the PIN using the methods illustrated.

Before continuing, you should ensure you have all the requirements for changing your PIN. If you’re unaware of the requirements, you can head over to the preceding section to learn about the requirements. If you’ve checked those out already, here are the methods you can use to recover a lost Green Dot card PIN.


  1. Using the Green Dot app

If you’re using Green Dot, you’re most likely accessing your account using the official mobile app. The app contains all you need to manage your account, transfer funds, make payments, and if need be, change a forgotten Green Dot card PIN.

If you’re a fan of jumping around the app, you should already notice that there is an option to manage your card. One of the biggest features of the card management tab is the ability to change your PIN. However, I’ll admit that finding the option is difficult unless you’re actively looking for it.

Another important detail to note before attempting to change the PIN is that you’ll be required to verify your identity before you can change your PIN. By verifying your identity, you should expect to do more than simply log into the platform with your password.


With all that said, here are the steps required to change your Green Dot PIN directly from the Green Dot app.

  • Open the Green Dot app on your device and log in using the appropriate details if you’re not logged in already. I’m assuming you didn’t lose your PIN as well as your Green Dot login details in this scenario, as that would be pretty weird.
  • After getting into the Green Dot app, head over to the Settings section to bring up a lot of options that let you modify settings related to the app.
  • When you get to the settings, select the Manage Card option. On the next screen, tap “Change ATM PIN” and follow the instructions you see.

From this section onwards, you should expect to go through a series of verification hurdles before being allowed to change the PIN on your Green Dot card.


  1. Calling customer service

If changing the PIN using the online channel isn’t your thing, you can call customer support to talk verbally with a representative from Green Dot. That way, you can table your request and have an insider walk you through the entire process.

You can get the customer support number from the Green Dot website or the mobile app. Before calling, it’s crucial to note that going through this route won’t excuse you from going through the verification steps. If you can prove that you indeed own the account, you will be allowed to update your PIN.


MORE ON Green Dot:

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Nobody should have to visit banks just because they couldn’t recall a 4 or 6-digit number. Fortunately, Green Dot doesn’t have any banks for you to visit; your only options are using the app or calling a customer support representative to help you out.

This article has detailed steps required to recover your PIN in both ways. It doesn’t matter if you prefer telephoning or using the app, you’ll learn the details of how to do it here.